Objective 1 Increased access to improved sanitation and clean water system in Mintoum
Result 1: Functional sanitation infrastructure for at 100 pupils,
Activities: 1.1 Construction of one two-cubicle latrine block

Objective 2 Increased school capacity in Mintoum, Lomie communes

Construction of a kindergarten classroom in Mintoum (Lomié).

The first phase of this activity began in November 2017, as it was the ideal time to access Lomié, which can be difficult to access in the rainy season of the year. This phase included the technical and quantitative studies that would inform the construction project. We expect the classroom construction to be completed during this school year.
Result 2: Functional classrooms for at least 100 pupils
Activities 2: 2.1 Construction of two classrooms in Mintoum



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