Future, On-going, and Past Projects. 

Department of Haut-Nyong and Lom and Djerem - PROJECT W.A.S.H RESPONSE TO COVID19 (2019- 2020).

Access to drinking water affects a large number of families in the project area (Eastern Cameroon region). As a response mechanism to the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic in landlocked areas of the region and as a priority for the FMEM team for the year 2020, the board decided to concentrate it effort and funding into rehabilitation and construction of wells equipped with PMH. The objective of the actions for the year was to sustainably reduce water born diseases in villages (about 6000 peoples) in the East region, which can increase the death rate in combination with COVID, through access to drinking water, sanitation and the training of local actors.
The specific objectives were to:

  1. The provision of drinking water to target populations;

  2. The emergence of a local dynamic with a gradual change in risky health behaviours that can

    promote the spread of COVID-19;

  3. Improvement of the health and social situation of the population.

  4. Provide the Water Point Committees and the project managers with the tools necessary for the

    sustainability of the projects: Technical tools, financial tools.


Mintoum (loumie) - KINDERGARTEN / PRIMARY SCHOOL (2018- 2019).

Lomier is one of the most important forest town of Cameroon. It was chosen as the beneficiary of this project, as it has experienced a significant deterioration of it school system in the last two decades. A deterioration that is observed in particular by a significant drop in the success rate in official exams from the indigenous population (the Baka pygmies). Since basic education is the keystone of the school curriculum, it is important that pupils learning conditions be as good as possible. This project aims to contribute to it. More

Elig - Nkouma (Obala) - PRIMARY SCHOOL (2018)

The Elig-Nkouma project which was discussed in 2016 was a sanitary project which consisted in providing the public school with a block of toilets for the pupils and the teacher. This project has now had to be revisited and changed due to the situation on the ground. ¾ of the classroom were destroyed by the storm during the rainy season.

On the 22 of November   2017 a team consisting of the Project Engineer (PEng) and Mr. TSIMI the Community Rep, visited the School with the objectives of to determine the level of disrepair of the classroom after the storm.


The project is to equip the Nkoteng Primary School with two new classroom, the new classrooms will help alleviate the overcrowded class and provide a better learning environment to the pupils’ in the area. The site for the construction of the classroom block was identified by the School Director, Education Inspector and with approval from the local Municipality. This activity is planned over a 3 month period, accounting for possible delays in supply of materials and bad weather. Each classroom should host a minimum of 40 to 50 students, following its equipment in benches. 

Community CenteR (Library and Media Center) (on going).

Community Center Work in progress

Community Center Work in progress

The lack of funding has delayed this project,we feel now is the right time to now realize it, and introduce the village to new and innovative technologies. We do believe that by providing the village and the pupils of the village with a library and an ICT room, we are opening the door to more knowledge and enhancing their ability to research and understand the subject they are studying. While “education” is the primary aim, we also plan to organise an exchange between the village primary and secondary schools and UK and French schools, through the use of email, and other multimedia sources. More ...



The project is to reconstruct the classroom who is already in place but due to a lack of funds, the school was unable to complete its construction, in addition to the classroom the project also comprise the construction of two new toilet cubical. The classroom will have a capacity of 20 to 30 students, following its equipment in benches. More


SCHOOL RENOVATIOn. (2014-2015)

Shool FMEM.jpg

The student population has outgrown the school capacity, and it is in need of new classrooms. Our next campaign is to refurbish it and extend it. The Ekabita-Tom primary school welcomes children from all neighboring villages. With the youth population growing fast, and buildings showing their age, the school has reached its full capacity. There is a pressing need for new classrooms and modernization. More